WordPress Migrations
Effortlessly Migrate your WordPress Site with 1-Click
BlogVault has the most reliable and easiest to use WordPress migration service. You can migrate an entire website in minutes with no manual effort. Migrate the largest site to any webhost with a 100% success rate.
Trusted by over 400,000 Websites across 120 Countries

WordPress Migrations
BlogVault protects you on the worst days of your website.
No other WordPress backup plugin matches the extensive range of features offered by Blogvault, making it the top choice for website owners
Migrate to a New Host
Easily migrate your WordPress website to a new WebHost with BlogVault WordPress migration service. We will copy the complete site to the new server with no manual work.
Migrate to a New Domain
With BlogVault you can migrate your site to a new domain. Whether you are migrating from a development environment to a production one, or creating a staging site, it is as simple as clicking a button.
Selective Migration
You can migrate specific parts of a website. Select plugins, themes, WordPress files, or tables before you start the WordPress migration with BlogVault.
Automatic Search and Replace
We will automatically rewrite the database and config files during the migration process. You do not need any other plugins to do so.
Zero Downtime Migration
BlogVault migrates your site to a new host even before switching the DNS to the new server. For business critical websites which cannot afford any downtime this is incredibly powerful.
2 Million+ Sites Migrated Over 5000 Webhosts
BlogVault migrates sites successfully to any webhost, regardless of type. Migrate to popular hosts like GoDaddy, Bluehost, and SiteGround, country-specific ones like 123Reg, Ionos, and O2Switch, managed WordPress hosts like WP Engine and Pantheon, etc, and self-hosted WordPress like AWS and Digital Ocean.
Migrate Large WordPress Sites
BlogVault seamlessly migrates sites as large as 100 GB. We are the only service who can do this reliably.
Migrate WordPress MultiSite
We support migration of WordPress multisites of all kinds. You can choose to migrate subdomain-based as well as sub-directory-based sites.
Trusted by the Largest WordPress Hosts
Major WordPress hosts including WP Engine, Flywheel, LiquidWeb, Pantheon, and Cloudways rely on our technology for their WordPress migration plugin.
How do you update and backup your website?
Creating Backup and Updating website can be time consuming and error-prone. BlogVault will save you hours everyday while providing you complete peace of mind.

Updating Everything Manually?
But it’s too time consuming, complicated and stops you from achieving your full potential. You don’t want to put your business at risk with inefficient management.

Backup Your WordPress Site
Install the plugin on your website, let it sync and you’re done. Get automated, scheduled backups for your critical site data, and make sure your website never experiences downtime again.