best WordPress security plugins


3 Best WordPress Security Plugins Compared

Introduction To Top WordPress Security Plugins Best WordPress security plugins: When it comes to your website, the most important task on your list is to protect it from bad guys. You can do this by taking measures that will improve your website security. According to W3Techs, WordPress powers more than 30% of all websites online which…

WP Security Audit Log


WP Activity Log: Plugin That Helps Track Suspicious Activities

Regular scan and backups are core security measures. So pat on the back for doing a good job but you should also set up monitoring your website. Keeping a vigilant eye on everything that is happening on your WordPress website allows you to identify suspicious behavior at an early stage. This will help you thwart…


7 Reasons you Need to Know Why BlogVault is the Best WordPress Security Plugin

Security plugins are always essential for the overall security of the site. They act like a wall which do not allow malware and harm your site and its data. Therefore you always need WordPress Security plugins to make your site’s data secure. Before having them, you first must know the different features they provide. If…

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