Manage Multiple WordPress Sites


How To Manage Multiple WordPress sites

Management tools help agencies become well-oiled machines. Each task is completed with the least amount of effort and highest rate of  accuracy.  For people managing multiple WordPress sites, the daily grind of updates, security threats, and performance tweaks can be never-ending. It’s a constant juggling act that strains resources and demands round-the-clock vigilance. Add to…


How to Repair & Optimise the WordPress Database

WordPress is developed with the scripting language PHP and uses either MySQL or MariaDB as its open-source relational database management system. Behind the scenes, the WordPress database stores content such as posts and pages, user data, blog post comments, website configuration settings, theme and plugin settings, and more. Unfortunately, the database can be corrupted and…


How to Fix the Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress

You’ve just tried to open your website and to your horror, you don’t recognize it. Gone is the beautifully designed home page. Your carefully curated photos are nowhere to be seen. That blog you spent hours writing? Poof. Disappeared. All you see now is a white screen with an error message: Error Establishing a Database…

WordPress automatic updates


WordPress auto update for Core: The Definitive Guide

Automatic WordPress updates are both great and terrible at the same time. Great because updates have security improvements, fix bugs, and improve performance. Frequent updates are what have made WordPress great. Terrible because any change to your site can break it, and updates are no exception. If updates are applied automatically and your site crashes,…



How to Update WordPress Safely – Complete Guide

Do you want to update WordPress to the new version, but are worried that it might cause complications? WordPress updates are often handled with kid gloves because if the update causes anything to break on your site, your next few days will be spent troubleshooting and fixing the issues. But not updating your WordPress site…



WordPress Maintenance Mode – Learn how to enable it

Did you run into a problem on your site and need to put WordPress into maintenance mode? Or maybe you just want to block visitors temporarily while you make major changes? No worries, we’ve got you covered. We’ve used WordPress maintenance mode plenty of times on our own sites. We’ve also run into problems with…


Solved: WordPress Stuck In Maintenance Mode

Can’t figure out why your WordPress site is stuck in maintenance mode?  Don’t panic. We’ve got you covered. Getting WordPress stuck in maintenance mode is quite common and it has happened to us too. The panic and frustration trying to get the site back up and running, worrying about losing visitors and revenue – we’ve…



Best WordPress Multisite Plugins in 2022

Do you want to make managing a WordPress multisite network easier? Running a single website is quite a task. So we understand how difficult it can get to manage many sites in a multisite network. A multisite network requires a higher level of management and maintenance. Many of the regular WordPress tasks become complex in…

speed up wordpress site performance via cdn


How to Ramp Up Your WordPress Site Performance via CDN?

how to speed up your wordpress website


Slow Website? Remove Clutter to Speed up Your Site

Nobody likes a slow website, not you, not your visitors, and especially not search engines. While the reason your site isn’t performing at its best could be poor hosting, there’s a big chance that your site has a large buildup of unnecessary things. Now, what exactly are those unnecessary things? Well, in this article we…

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